(ID,flaticon.com) One Person One Internet identification The number of internet users worldwide has reached 5.07 billion, or 63.5 percent of the world's population.The number of individuals who access the internet continues to rise as well; according to the most recent statistics, the number of people connected worldwide increased by more than 170 million in the year leading up to October 2022 ( Digital around the world, datareportal.com). People have created different accounts or login/ sign in on different websites where they share their important data. However, companies or businesses use this date in the wrong way to do marketing and analyse the behaviours and demand of people. Therefore, One Person One ID is my idea where people only share their unique number, not other information like name, address, age, etc. that is valid for all over the internet. Reference Digital around the world - datareportal – global digital insights (no date) DataReportal . Available at: http...
(Dzhangarov1 et al., 2021) A I Dzhamgarov, K K Pakhaev and N V Potapova study Modern Web Application Development at the faculty of information technology, Chechen State University, and the department of Information Educational Technologies, Kuban State University, Russia. The article briefly examine current web development trends, we can simultaneously highlight various areas: Advancement web applications A full-fledged adaptive user interface must be integrated for both web applications launched in a browser and web apps launched on mobile devices, according to the so-called Progressive Web Application architecture. Use of voice assistants and artificial intelligence tools All facets of human life are being densely impacted by the discipline of data science. Naturally, applications that claim to have a serious, broad audience and work to stay current must support such technology. As a result, developers attempt to provide these options while creating online applications. Servers ...