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Showing posts from November, 2022

Diagram 2

Types of Web Apps  

Diagram 1

Sub Fields of AI  

Essay (Conclusion & Reference)

To sum up, web applications are crucial in eCommerce that allows the platform to reach global consumers and engage new customers and trouble-free expansion. It is convenient for e-commerce by providing a cross-platform for different devices, central database system, and highly security. Also, web applications have a lower opening cost in terms of maintenance and building e-commerce web. Reference Ian Blair Ian is the CEO and Co-Founder of BuildFire. He's a visionary leader and tech-driven strategist running a team and platform that powers 10 (2022) 11 reasons why you need a mobile ecommerce app , BuildFire . Available at: (Accessed: November 5, 2022).  E-commerce websites: What they are and how to build one (no date) Mailchimp . Available at:,E%2Dcommerce%20Website,brick%2Dand%2Dmortar%20location .  (Accessed: November 5, 2

Essay (Introduction)

Importance of Web Application in ecommerce   In the digital era, around 12 million to 24 million eCommerce sites all over the world (, eCommerce statistics). With the help of this, people are easily shopping online, buying and selling things, as well as running million dollar businesses. These all are happening today because of the great contribution of web applications eCommerce or sometimes used to be called e-commerce websites and online shopping websites.  Similarly, as a traditional physical store, an e-commerce that allows people to buy and sell physical goods, services, and digital products over the internet without physical interaction. A web can process orders, make successful payments, manage the ship of goods and provide customer services (, E-commerce website). Whereas web application development plays a significant role to build a successful eCommerce web. This essay aims to discuss the importance of web applications in e-commerce in terms of consu

Essay (Main Body )

First and foremost, in recent years, web apps have gotten more attention from smartphone users from all over the globe (, E-commerce website...). E-commerce web applications that allow the consumers to shop by using the internet from their home, which make shopping a simple process and get services and products, engage and attract new consumers around the globe. Even target specific audiences associated with products. Second remarkable factor to consider is expansion. Web apps are significant for eCommerce business because day to day people engage in shopping that needs more storage, modification, user friendly interface, store layout, store data and have to update data and information to follow trends and business improvement or changes. Apps make it easy to add new features, changes in e-commerce applications, and new products can be regularly updated and added without changing the source file. Furthermore, web applications are based on different platforms such as Androi

Planning for Major Project

Planning for Major Project Name : Roshan Thakur Project Title : Web Application Development   Date started Time allowed Task/Activity Completed  date 2022/10/30 1 hour Research on different topics for major project 2022/10/30 2022/10/31 1 hour I have chosen Web Application Development for my main project and carry-on research on it. 2022/10/31 2022/11/01 50 minutes Wrote all information in Microsoft word and information what I have got. 2022/11/01 2022/11/02 2 hours Wrote blogs about web application development on my blog and completed my task. 2022/11/02 2022/11/03 2 hours Adding more information on my blog 2022/11/03